Module mathcomp.analysis.topology_theory.topology_structure
From HB Require Import structures.From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap all_classical.
From mathcomp Require Export filter.
# Basic topological notions
This file develops tools for the manipulation of basic topological
notions. The development of topological notions builds on "filtered types"
by extending the hierarchy.
## Mathematical structures
### Topology
topologicalType == interface type for topological space
the HB class is Topological.
ptopologicalType == a pointed topologicalType
open == set of open sets
closed == set of closed sets
clopen U == U is both open and closed
open_nbhs p == set of open neighbourhoods of p
basis B == a family of open sets that converges to
each point
second_countable T == T has a countable basis
[locally P] := forall a, A a -> G (within A (nbhs x)) if P
is convertible to G (globally A)
finI_from D f == set of \bigcap_(i in E) f i where E is a
finite subset of D
interior U == all of the points which are locally in U,
i.e., the largest open set contained in U
closure U == the smallest closed set containing U
regopen U == U is regular open,
i.e., equal to the interior of its closure
regclosed U == U is regular closed,
i.e., equal to the closure of its interior
open_of_nbhs B == the open sets induced by neighborhoods
nbhs_of_open B == the neighborhoods induced by open sets
x^' == set of neighbourhoods of x where x is
excluded (a "deleted neighborhood")
limit_point E == the set of limit points of E
dense S == the set (S : set T) is dense in T, with T of
type topologicalType
continuousType == type of continuous functions
The HB structures is Continuous.
mkcts f_cts == object of type continuousType corresponding to
the function f (f_cts : continuous f)
### Factories
Nbhs_isNbhsTopological == factory for a topology defined by a
It builds the mixin for a topological
space from the properties of nbhs and
hence assumes that the carrier is a
isOpenTopological == factory for a topology defined by open
It builds the mixin for a topological
space from the properties of open
sets, nbhs_of_open must be used to
declare a filterType.
isBaseTopological == factory for a topology defined by a
base of open sets
It builds the mixin for a topological
space from the properties of a base of
open sets; the type of indices must be
a pointedType
isSubBaseTopological == factory for a topology defined by a
subbase of open sets
It builds the mixin for a topological
space from a subbase of open sets b
indexed on domain D
Reserved Notation "A ^°" (at level 1, format "A ^°").Reserved Notation "[ 'locally' P ]" (at level 0, format "[ 'locally' P ]").
Reserved Notation "x ^'" (at level 2, format "x ^'").
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Topological spaces
HB.mixin Record Nbhs_isTopological (T : Type) of Nbhs T := {open : set_system T;
nbhs_pfilter_subproof : forall p : T, ProperFilter (nbhs p) ;
nbhsE_subproof : forall p : T, nbhs p =
[set A : set T | exists B : set T, [/\ open B, B p & B `<=` A] ] ;
openE_subproof : open = [set A : set T | A `<=` nbhs^~ A ]
HB.structure Definition Topological :=
{T of Nbhs T & Nbhs_isTopological T}.
HB.structure Definition PointedTopological :=
{T of PointedNbhs T & Nbhs_isTopological T}.
HB.structure Definition BiPointedTopological :=
{ X of BiPointed X & Topological X }.
Section Topological1.
Context {T : topologicalType}.
Definition open_nbhs (p : T) (A : set T) := open A /\ A p.
Definition basis (B : set (set T)) :=
B `<=` open /\ forall x, filter_from [set U | B U /\ U x] id --> x.
Definition second_countable := exists2 B, countable B & basis B.
Global Instance nbhs_pfilter (p : T) : ProperFilter (nbhs p).
Lemma nbhs_filter (p : T) : Filter (nbhs p).
Canonical nbhs_filter_on (x : T) := FilterType (nbhs x) (@nbhs_filter x).
Lemma nbhsE (p : T) :
nbhs p = [set A : set T | exists2 B : set T, open_nbhs p B & B `<=` A].
Lemma open_nbhsE (p : T) (A : set T) : open_nbhs p A = (open A /\ nbhs p A).
Definition interior (A : set T) := (@nbhs _ T)^~ A.
Local Notation "A ^°" := (interior A).
Lemma interior_subset (A : set T) : A^° `<=` A.
Lemma openE : open = [set A : set T | A `<=` A^°].
Lemma nbhs_singleton (p : T) (A : set T) : nbhs p A -> A p.
Lemma nbhs_interior (p : T) (A : set T) : nbhs p A -> nbhs p A^°.
Lemma open0 : open (set0 : set T).
Lemma openT : open (setT : set T).
Lemma openI (A B : set T) : open A -> open B -> open (A `&` B).
Lemma bigcup_open (I : Type) (D : set I) (f : I -> set T) :
(forall i, D i -> open (f i)) -> open (\bigcup_(i in D) f i).
Lemma openU (A B : set T) : open A -> open B -> open (A `|` B).
Lemma open_subsetE (A B : set T) : open A -> (A `<=` B) = (A `<=` B^°).
rewrite openE => Aop; rewrite propeqE; split.
by move=> sAB p Ap; apply: filterS sAB _; apply: Aop.
by move=> sAB p /sAB /interior_subset.
by move=> sAB p Ap; apply: filterS sAB _; apply: Aop.
by move=> sAB p /sAB /interior_subset.
Lemma open_interior (A : set T) : open A^°.
rewrite openE => p; rewrite /interior nbhsE => - [B [Bop Bp]].
by rewrite open_subsetE //; exists B.
by rewrite open_subsetE //; exists B.
Lemma interior_bigcup I (D : set I) (f : I -> set T) :
\bigcup_(i in D) (f i)^° `<=` (\bigcup_(i in D) f i)^°.
Lemma open_nbhsT (p : T) : open_nbhs p setT.
Lemma open_nbhsI (p : T) (A B : set T) :
open_nbhs p A -> open_nbhs p B -> open_nbhs p (A `&` B).
Lemma open_nbhs_nbhs (p : T) (A : set T) : open_nbhs p A -> nbhs p A.
Lemma interiorI (A B : set T) : (A `&` B)^° = A^° `&` B^°.
End Topological1.
Lemma open_in_nearW {T : topologicalType} (P : T -> Prop) (S : set T) :
open S -> {in S, forall x, P x} -> {in S, forall x, \near x, P x}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (Filter (nbhs _)) =>
solve [apply: nbhs_filter] : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (ProperFilter (nbhs _)) =>
solve [apply: nbhs_pfilter] : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance alias_nbhs_filter {T : topologicalType} x :
@Filter T^o (@nbhs T^o T x).
Global Instance alias_nbhs_pfilter {T : topologicalType} x :
@ProperFilter T^o (@nbhs T^o T x).
Notation "A ^°" := (interior A) : classical_set_scope.
Lemma continuousP (S T : topologicalType) (f : S -> T) :
continuous f <-> forall A, open A -> open (f @^-1` A).
split=> fcont; first by rewrite !openE => A Aop ? /Aop /fcont.
move=> s A; rewrite nbhs_simpl /= !nbhsE => - [B [Bop Bfs] sBA].
by exists (f @^-1` B); [split=> //; apply/fcont|move=> ? /sBA].
move=> s A; rewrite nbhs_simpl /= !nbhsE => - [B [Bop Bfs] sBA].
by exists (f @^-1` B); [split=> //; apply/fcont|move=> ? /sBA].
Lemma continuous_comp (R S T : topologicalType) (f : R -> S) (g : S -> T) x :
{for x, continuous f} -> {for (f x), continuous g} ->
{for x, continuous (g \o f)}.
Lemma open_comp {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) (D : set U) :
{in f @^-1` D, continuous f} -> open D -> open (f @^-1` D).
Lemma cvg_fmap {T: topologicalType} {U : topologicalType}
(F : set_system T) x (f : T -> U) :
{for x, continuous f} -> F --> x -> f @ F --> f x.
by move=> cf fx P /cf /fx. Qed.
Lemma near_join (T : topologicalType) (x : T) (P : set T) :
(\near x, P x) -> \near x, \near x, P x.
Lemma near_bind (T : topologicalType) (P Q : set T) (x : T) :
(\near x, (\near x, P x) -> Q x) -> (\near x, P x) -> \near x, Q x.
Lemma continuous_cvg {T : Type} {V U : topologicalType}
(F : set_system T) (FF : Filter F)
(f : T -> V) (h : V -> U) (a : V) :
{for a, continuous h} ->
f @ F --> a -> (h \o f) @ F --> h a.
Lemma continuous_is_cvg {T : Type} {V U : ptopologicalType} [F : set_system T]
(FF : Filter F) (f : T -> V) (h : V -> U) :
(forall l, f x @[x --> F] --> l -> {for l, continuous h}) ->
cvg (f x @[x --> F]) -> cvg ((h \o f) x @[x --> F]).
move=> ach /cvg_ex[l fxl]; apply/cvg_ex; exists (h l).
by apply: continuous_cvg => //; exact: ach.
by apply: continuous_cvg => //; exact: ach.
Lemma continuous2_cvg {T : Type} {V W U : topologicalType}
(F : set_system T) (FF : Filter F)
(f : T -> V) (g : T -> W) (h : V -> W -> U) (a : V) (b : W) :
h z.1 z.2 @[z --> (a, b)] --> h a b ->
f @ F --> a -> g @ F --> b -> (fun x => h (f x) (g x)) @ F --> h a b.
Lemma cvg_near_cst (T : Type) (U : topologicalType)
(l : U) (f : T -> U) (F : set_system T) {FF : Filter F} :
(\forall x \near F, f x = l) -> f @ F --> l.
move=> fFl P /=; rewrite !near_simpl => Pl.
by apply: filterS fFl => _ ->; apply: nbhs_singleton.
by apply: filterS fFl => _ ->; apply: nbhs_singleton.
Lemma is_cvg_near_cst (T : Type) (U : ptopologicalType)
(l : U) (f : T -> U) (F : set_system T) {FF : Filter F} :
(\forall x \near F, f x = l) -> cvg (f @ F).
Lemma near_cst_continuous (T U : topologicalType)
(l : U) (f : T -> U) (x : T) :
(\forall y \near x, f y = l) -> {for x, continuous f}.
move=> eq_f_l; apply: cvg_near_cst; apply: filterS (eq_f_l) => y ->.
by rewrite (nbhs_singleton eq_f_l).
by rewrite (nbhs_singleton eq_f_l).
Lemma cvg_cst (U : topologicalType) (x : U) (T : Type)
(F : set_system T) {FF : Filter F} :
(fun _ : T => x) @ F --> x.
#[global] Hint Resolve cvg_cst : core.
Lemma is_cvg_cst (U : ptopologicalType) (x : U) (T : Type)
(F : set_system T) {FF : Filter F} :
cvg ((fun _ : T => x) @ F).
Arguments is_cvg_cst {U} x {T F FF}.
#[global] Hint Resolve is_cvg_cst : core.
Lemma cst_continuous {T U : topologicalType} (x : U) :
continuous (fun _ : T => x).
Section within_topologicalType.
Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T).
Implicit Types B : set T.
Lemma within_nbhsW (x : T) : A x -> within A (nbhs x) `=>` globally A.
Definition locally_of (P : set_system T -> Prop) of phantom Prop (P (globally A))
:= forall x, A x -> P (within A (nbhs x)).
Local Notation "[ 'locally' P ]" := (@locally_of _ _ _ (Phantom _ P)).
Lemma within_interior (x : T) : A^° x -> within A (nbhs x) = nbhs x.
move=> Aox; rewrite eqEsubset; split; last exact: cvg_within.
rewrite ?nbhsE => W /= => [[B + BsubW]].
rewrite open_nbhsE => [[oB nbhsB]].
exists (B `&` A^°); last by move=> t /= [] /BsubW + /interior_subset; apply.
rewrite open_nbhsE; split; first by apply: openI => //; exact: open_interior.
by apply: filterI => //; move:(open_interior A); rewrite openE; exact.
rewrite ?nbhsE => W /= => [[B + BsubW]].
rewrite open_nbhsE => [[oB nbhsB]].
exists (B `&` A^°); last by move=> t /= [] /BsubW + /interior_subset; apply.
rewrite open_nbhsE; split; first by apply: openI => //; exact: open_interior.
by apply: filterI => //; move:(open_interior A); rewrite openE; exact.
Lemma within_subset B F : Filter F -> A `<=` B -> within A F `=>` within B F.
move=> FF AsubB W; rewrite /within/=; apply: filter_app; rewrite nbhs_simpl.
by apply: filterE => ? + ?; apply; exact: AsubB.
by apply: filterE => ? + ?; apply; exact: AsubB.
Lemma withinE F : Filter F ->
within A F = [set U | exists2 V, F V & U `&` A = V `&` A].
move=> FF; rewrite eqEsubset; split=> U.
move=> Wu; exists [set x | A x -> U x] => //.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => t [L R]; split=> //; apply: L.
move=> [V FV AU]; rewrite /within /prop_near1 nbhs_simpl/=; near=> w => Aw.
by have []// : (U `&` A) w; rewrite AU; split => //; apply: (near FV).
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
move=> Wu; exists [set x | A x -> U x] => //.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => t [L R]; split=> //; apply: L.
move=> [V FV AU]; rewrite /within /prop_near1 nbhs_simpl/=; near=> w => Aw.
by have []// : (U `&` A) w; rewrite AU; split => //; apply: (near FV).
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma fmap_within_eq {S : topologicalType} (F : set_system T) (f g : T -> S) :
Filter F -> {in A, f =1 g} -> f @ within A F --> g @ within A F.
move=> FF feq U /=; near_simpl; apply: filter_app.
rewrite ?nbhs_simpl; near_simpl; near=> w; rewrite (feq w) // inE.
exact: (near (withinT A FF) w).
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
rewrite ?nbhs_simpl; near_simpl; near=> w; rewrite (feq w) // inE.
exact: (near (withinT A FF) w).
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
End within_topologicalType.
Notation "[ 'locally' P ]" := (@locally_of _ _ _ (Phantom _ P)).
Topology defined by a filter
HB.factory Record Nbhs_isNbhsTopological T of Nbhs T := {
nbhs_filter : forall p : T, ProperFilter (nbhs p);
nbhs_singleton : forall (p : T) (A : set T), nbhs p A -> A p;
nbhs_nbhs : forall (p : T) (A : set T), nbhs p A -> nbhs p (nbhs^~ A);
}. Context T of Nbhs_isNbhsTopological T.
Definition open_of_nbhs := [set A : set T | A `<=` nbhs^~ A].
Let nbhsE_subproof (p : T) :
nbhs p = [set A | exists B, [/\ open_of_nbhs B, B p & B `<=` A] ].
rewrite predeqE => A; split=> [p_A|]; last first.
move=> [B [Bop Bp sBA]]; apply: filterS sBA _; last exact: Bop.
exists (nbhs^~ A); split=> //; first by move=> ?; apply: nbhs_nbhs.
by move=> q /nbhs_singleton.
move=> [B [Bop Bp sBA]]; apply: filterS sBA _; last exact: Bop.
exists (nbhs^~ A); split=> //; first by move=> ?; apply: nbhs_nbhs.
by move=> q /nbhs_singleton.
Let openE_subproof : open_of_nbhs = [set A : set T | A `<=` nbhs^~ A].
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Nbhs_isTopological.Build T
nbhs_filter nbhsE_subproof openE_subproof.
Topology defined by open sets
Definition nbhs_of_open (T : Type) (op : set T -> Prop) (p : T) (A : set T) :=
exists B, [/\ op B, B p & B `<=` A].
HB.factory Record isOpenTopological T of Choice T := {
op : set T -> Prop;
opT : op setT;
opI : forall (A B : set T), op A -> op B -> op (A `&` B);
op_bigU : forall (I : Type) (f : I -> set T), (forall i, op (f i)) ->
op (\bigcup_i f i);
}. Context T of isOpenTopological T.
HB.instance Definition _ := hasNbhs.Build T (nbhs_of_open op).
Let nbhs_pfilter_subproof (p : T) : ProperFilter (nbhs p).
apply: Build_ProperFilter_ex.
by move=> A [B [_ Bp sBA]]; exists p; apply: sBA.
split; first by exists setT; split=> [|//|//]; exact: opT.
move=> A B [C [Cop Cp sCA]] [D [Dop Dp sDB]].
exists (C `&` D); split=> //; first exact: opI.
by move=> q [/sCA Aq /sDB Bq].
move=> A B sAB [C [Cop p_C sCA]].
by exists C; split=> //; apply: subset_trans sAB.
by move=> A [B [_ Bp sBA]]; exists p; apply: sBA.
split; first by exists setT; split=> [|//|//]; exact: opT.
move=> A B [C [Cop Cp sCA]] [D [Dop Dp sDB]].
exists (C `&` D); split=> //; first exact: opI.
by move=> q [/sCA Aq /sDB Bq].
move=> A B sAB [C [Cop p_C sCA]].
by exists C; split=> //; apply: subset_trans sAB.
Let nbhsE_subproof (p : T) :
nbhs p = [set A | exists B, [/\ op B, B p & B `<=` A] ].
by []. Qed.
Let openE_subproof : op = [set A : set T | A `<=` nbhs^~ A].
rewrite predeqE => A; split=> [Aop p Ap|Aop].
by exists A; split=> //; split.
suff -> : A = \bigcup_(B : {B : set T & op B /\ B `<=` A}) projT1 B.
by apply: op_bigU => B; have [] := projT2 B.
rewrite predeqE => p; split=> [|[B _ Bp]]; last by have [_] := projT2 B; apply.
by move=> /Aop [B [Bop Bp sBA]]; exists (existT _ B (conj Bop sBA)).
by exists A; split=> //; split.
suff -> : A = \bigcup_(B : {B : set T & op B /\ B `<=` A}) projT1 B.
by apply: op_bigU => B; have [] := projT2 B.
rewrite predeqE => p; split=> [|[B _ Bp]]; last by have [_] := projT2 B; apply.
by move=> /Aop [B [Bop Bp sBA]]; exists (existT _ B (conj Bop sBA)).
HB.instance Definition _ := Nbhs_isTopological.Build T
nbhs_pfilter_subproof nbhsE_subproof openE_subproof.
Topology defined by a base of open sets
HB.factory Record isBaseTopological T of Choice T := {
I : pointedType;
D : set I;
b : I -> (set T);
b_cover : \bigcup_(i in D) b i = setT;
b_join : forall i j t, D i -> D j -> b i t -> b j t ->
exists k, [/\ D k, b k t & b k `<=` b i `&` b j];
}. Context T of isBaseTopological T.
Definition open_from := [set \bigcup_(i in D') b i | D' in subset^~ D].
Let open_fromT : open_from setT.
Let open_fromI (A B : set T) : open_from A -> open_from B ->
open_from (A `&` B).
move=> [DA sDAD AeUbA] [DB sDBD BeUbB].
have ABU : forall t, (A `&` B) t ->
exists it, D it /\ b it t /\ b it `<=` A `&` B.
move=> t [At Bt].
have [iA [DiA [biAt sbiA]]] : exists i, D i /\ b i t /\ b i `<=` A.
move: At; rewrite -AeUbA => - [i DAi bit]; exists i.
by split; [apply: sDAD|split=> // ?; exists i].
have [iB [DiB [biBt sbiB]]] : exists i, D i /\ b i t /\ b i `<=` B.
move: Bt; rewrite -BeUbB => - [i DBi bit]; exists i.
by split; [apply: sDBD|split=> // ?; exists i].
have [i [Di bit sbiAB]] := b_join DiA DiB biAt biBt.
by exists i; split=> //; split=> // s /sbiAB [/sbiA ? /sbiB].
set Dt := fun t => [set it | D it /\ b it t /\ b it `<=` A `&` B].
exists [set get (Dt t) | t in A `&` B].
by move=> _ [t ABt <-]; have /ABU/getPex [] := ABt.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [[_ [s ABs <-] bDtst]|ABt].
by have /ABU/getPex [_ [_]] := ABs; apply.
by exists (get (Dt t)); [exists t| have /ABU/getPex [? []]:= ABt].
have ABU : forall t, (A `&` B) t ->
exists it, D it /\ b it t /\ b it `<=` A `&` B.
move=> t [At Bt].
have [iA [DiA [biAt sbiA]]] : exists i, D i /\ b i t /\ b i `<=` A.
move: At; rewrite -AeUbA => - [i DAi bit]; exists i.
by split; [apply: sDAD|split=> // ?; exists i].
have [iB [DiB [biBt sbiB]]] : exists i, D i /\ b i t /\ b i `<=` B.
move: Bt; rewrite -BeUbB => - [i DBi bit]; exists i.
by split; [apply: sDBD|split=> // ?; exists i].
have [i [Di bit sbiAB]] := b_join DiA DiB biAt biBt.
by exists i; split=> //; split=> // s /sbiAB [/sbiA ? /sbiB].
set Dt := fun t => [set it | D it /\ b it t /\ b it `<=` A `&` B].
exists [set get (Dt t) | t in A `&` B].
by move=> _ [t ABt <-]; have /ABU/getPex [] := ABt.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [[_ [s ABs <-] bDtst]|ABt].
by have /ABU/getPex [_ [_]] := ABs; apply.
by exists (get (Dt t)); [exists t| have /ABU/getPex [? []]:= ABt].
Let open_from_bigU (I0 : Type) (f : I0 -> set T) :
(forall i, open_from (f i)) -> open_from (\bigcup_i f i).
set fop := fun j => [set Dj | Dj `<=` D /\ f j = \bigcup_(i in Dj) b i].
exists (\bigcup_j get (fop j)).
move=> i [j _ fopji].
suff /getPex [/(_ _ fopji)] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by [].
by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [[i [j _ fopji bit]]|[j _]].
exists j => //; suff /getPex [_ ->] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by exists i.
by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
have /getPex [_ ->] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
by move=> [i]; exists i => //; exists j.
exists (\bigcup_j get (fop j)).
move=> i [j _ fopji].
suff /getPex [/(_ _ fopji)] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by [].
by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [[i [j _ fopji bit]]|[j _]].
exists j => //; suff /getPex [_ ->] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by exists i.
by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
have /getPex [_ ->] : exists Dj, fop j Dj by have [Dj] := H j; exists Dj.
by move=> [i]; exists i => //; exists j.
HB.instance Definition _ := isOpenTopological.Build T
open_fromT open_fromI open_from_bigU.
HB.factory Record isSubBaseTopological T of Choice T := {
I : pointedType;
D : set I;
b : I -> (set T);
}. Context T of isSubBaseTopological T.
Local Notation finI_from := (finI_from D b).
Let finI_from_cover : \bigcup_(A in finI_from) A = setT.
Let finI_from_join A B t : finI_from A -> finI_from B -> A t -> B t ->
exists k, [/\ finI_from k, k t & k `<=` A `&` B].
move=> [DA sDAD AeIbA] [DB sDBD BeIbB] At Bt.
exists (A `&` B); split => //.
exists (DA `|` DB)%fset; first by move=> i /fsetUP [/sDAD|/sDBD].
rewrite predeqE => s; split=> [Ifs|[As Bs] i /fsetUP].
split; first by rewrite -AeIbA => i DAi; apply: Ifs; rewrite /= inE DAi.
by rewrite -BeIbB => i DBi; apply: Ifs; rewrite /= inE DBi orbC.
by move=> [DAi|DBi];
[have := As; rewrite -AeIbA; apply|have := Bs; rewrite -BeIbB; apply].
exists (A `&` B); split => //.
exists (DA `|` DB)%fset; first by move=> i /fsetUP [/sDAD|/sDBD].
rewrite predeqE => s; split=> [Ifs|[As Bs] i /fsetUP].
split; first by rewrite -AeIbA => i DAi; apply: Ifs; rewrite /= inE DAi.
by rewrite -BeIbB => i DBi; apply: Ifs; rewrite /= inE DBi orbC.
by move=> [DAi|DBi];
[have := As; rewrite -AeIbA; apply|have := Bs; rewrite -BeIbB; apply].
HB.instance Definition _ := isBaseTopological.Build T
finI_from_cover finI_from_join.
deleted neighborhood
Definition dnbhs {T : topologicalType} (x : T) :=
within (fun y => y != x) (nbhs x).
Notation "x ^'" := (dnbhs x) : classical_set_scope.
Lemma nbhs_dnbhs_neq {T : topologicalType} (p : T) :
\forall x \near nbhs p^', x != p.
Lemma dnbhsE (T : topologicalType) (x : T) : nbhs x = x^' `&` at_point x.
rewrite predeqE => A; split=> [x_A|[x_A Ax]].
split; last exact: nbhs_singleton.
move: x_A; rewrite nbhsE => -[B [oB x_B sBA]]; rewrite /dnbhs nbhsE.
by exists B => // ? /sBA.
move: x_A; rewrite /dnbhs !nbhsE => -[B [oB x_B sBA]]; exists B => //.
by move=> y /sBA Ay; case: (eqVneq y x) => [->|].
split; last exact: nbhs_singleton.
move: x_A; rewrite nbhsE => -[B [oB x_B sBA]]; rewrite /dnbhs nbhsE.
by exists B => // ? /sBA.
move: x_A; rewrite /dnbhs !nbhsE => -[B [oB x_B sBA]]; exists B => //.
by move=> y /sBA Ay; case: (eqVneq y x) => [->|].
Global Instance dnbhs_filter {T : topologicalType} (x : T) : Filter x^'.
Canonical dnbhs_filter_on (T : topologicalType) (x : T) :=
FilterType x^' (dnbhs_filter _).
Lemma cvg_fmap2 (T U : Type) (f : T -> U):
forall (F G : set_system T), G `=>` F -> f @ G `=>` f @ F.
Lemma cvg_within_filter {T U} {f : T -> U} (F : set_system T) {FF : (Filter F) }
(G : set_system U) : forall (D : set T), (f @ F) --> G -> (f @ within D F) --> G.
Lemma cvg_app_within {T} {U : ptopologicalType} (f : T -> U) (F : set_system T)
(D : set T): Filter F -> cvg (f @ F) -> cvg (f @ within D F).
Lemma nbhs_dnbhs {T : topologicalType} (x : T) : x^' `=>` nbhs x.
Lemma meets_openr {T : topologicalType} (F : set_system T) (x : T) :
F `#` nbhs x = F `#` open_nbhs x.
rewrite propeqE; split; [exact/meetsSr/open_nbhs_nbhs|].
by move=> P A B {}/P P; rewrite nbhsE => -[B' /P + sB]; apply: subsetI_neq0.
by move=> P A B {}/P P; rewrite nbhsE => -[B' /P + sB]; apply: subsetI_neq0.
Lemma meets_openl {T : topologicalType} (F : set_system T) (x : T) :
nbhs x `#` F = open_nbhs x `#` F.
Closed sets in topological spaces
Section Closed.
Context {T : topologicalType}.
Definition closure (A : set T) :=
[set p : T | forall B, nbhs p B -> A `&` B !=set0].
Lemma closureEnbhs A : closure A = [set p | globally A `#` nbhs p].
Lemma closureEonbhs A : closure A = [set p | globally A `#` open_nbhs p].
Lemma subset_closure (A : set T) : A `<=` closure A.
Lemma closure_eq0 (A : set T) : closure A = set0 -> A = set0.
Lemma closureI (A B : set T) : closure (A `&` B) `<=` closure A `&` closure B.
by move=> p clABp; split=> ? /clABp [q [[]]]; exists q. Qed.
Definition limit_point E := [set t : T |
forall U, nbhs t U -> exists y, [/\ y != t, E y & U y]].
Lemma limit_pointEnbhs E :
limit_point E = [set p | globally (E `\ p) `#` nbhs p].
under eq_fun do rewrite meets_globallyl; rewrite funeqE => p /=.
apply/eq_forall2 => x px; apply/eq_exists => y.
by rewrite propeqE; split => [[/eqP ? ?]|[[? /eqP ?]]]; do 2?split.
apply/eq_forall2 => x px; apply/eq_exists => y.
by rewrite propeqE; split => [[/eqP ? ?]|[[? /eqP ?]]]; do 2?split.
Lemma limit_pointEonbhs E :
limit_point E = [set p | globally (E `\ p) `#` open_nbhs p].
Lemma subset_limit_point E : limit_point E `<=` closure E.
by move=> t Et U tU; have [p [? ? ?]] := Et _ tU; exists p. Qed.
Lemma closure_limit_point E : closure E = E `|` limit_point E.
rewrite predeqE => t; split => [cEt|]; last first.
by case; [exact: subset_closure|exact: subset_limit_point].
have [?|Et] := pselect (E t); [by left|right=> U tU; have [p []] := cEt _ tU].
by exists p; split => //; apply/eqP => pt; apply: Et; rewrite -pt.
by case; [exact: subset_closure|exact: subset_limit_point].
have [?|Et] := pselect (E t); [by left|right=> U tU; have [p []] := cEt _ tU].
by exists p; split => //; apply/eqP => pt; apply: Et; rewrite -pt.
Definition closed (D : set T) := closure D `<=` D.
Lemma open_closedC (D : set T) : open D -> closed (~` D).
Lemma closed_bigI {I} (D : set I) (f : I -> set T) :
(forall i, D i -> closed (f i)) -> closed (\bigcap_(i in D) f i).
move=> fcl t clft i Di; have /fcl := Di; apply.
by move=> A /clft [s [/(_ i Di)]]; exists s.
by move=> A /clft [s [/(_ i Di)]]; exists s.
Lemma closedI (D E : set T) : closed D -> closed E -> closed (D `&` E).
by move=> Dcl Ecl p clDEp; split; [apply: Dcl|apply: Ecl];
move=> A /clDEp [q [[]]]; exists q.
move=> A /clDEp [q [[]]]; exists q.
Lemma closedT : closed setT
by []. Qed.
Lemma closed0 : closed set0.
Lemma closedE : closed = [set A : set T | forall p, ~ (\near p, ~ A p) -> A p].
rewrite predeqE => A; split=> Acl p; last first.
by move=> clAp; apply: Acl; rewrite -nbhs_nearE => /clAp [? []].
rewrite -nbhs_nearE nbhsE => /asboolP.
rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn2 clAp.
apply: Acl => B; rewrite nbhsE => - [C [oC pC]].
have /asboolP := clAp C.
rewrite asbool_or 2!asbool_neg => /orP[/asboolP/not_andP[]//|/existsp_asboolPn [q]].
move/asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn[+ /contrapT Aq sCB] => /sCB.
by exists q.
by move=> clAp; apply: Acl; rewrite -nbhs_nearE => /clAp [? []].
rewrite -nbhs_nearE nbhsE => /asboolP.
rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn2 clAp.
apply: Acl => B; rewrite nbhsE => - [C [oC pC]].
have /asboolP := clAp C.
rewrite asbool_or 2!asbool_neg => /orP[/asboolP/not_andP[]//|/existsp_asboolPn [q]].
move/asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn[+ /contrapT Aq sCB] => /sCB.
by exists q.
Lemma closed_openC (D : set T) : closed D -> open (~` D).
Lemma closedC (D : set T) : closed (~` D) = open D.
Lemma openC (D : set T) : open (~`D) = closed (D).
Lemma closed_closure (A : set T) : closed (closure A).
End Closed.
Lemma closed_comp {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) (D : set U) :
{in ~` f @^-1` D, continuous f} -> closed D -> closed (f @^-1` D).
rewrite !closedE=> f_continuous D_cl x /= xDf.
apply: D_cl; apply: contra_not xDf => fxD.
have NDfx : ~ D (f x).
by move: fxD; rewrite -nbhs_nearE nbhsE => - [A [? ?]]; apply.
by apply: f_continuous fxD; rewrite inE.
apply: D_cl; apply: contra_not xDf => fxD.
have NDfx : ~ D (f x).
by move: fxD; rewrite -nbhs_nearE nbhsE => - [A [? ?]]; apply.
by apply: f_continuous fxD; rewrite inE.
Lemma closed_cvg {T} {V : topologicalType} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F}
(u_ : T -> V) (A : V -> Prop) :
closed A -> (\forall n \near F, A (u_ n)) ->
forall l, u_ @ F --> l -> A l.
move=> + FAu_ l u_Fl; apply => B /u_Fl /=; rewrite nbhs_filterE.
by move=> /(filterI FAu_) => /filter_ex[t [Au_t u_Bt]]; exists (u_ t).
by move=> /(filterI FAu_) => /filter_ex[t [Au_t u_Bt]]; exists (u_ t).
Lemma continuous_closedP (S T : topologicalType) (f : S -> T) :
continuous f <-> forall A, closed A -> closed (f @^-1` A).
rewrite continuousP; split=> ctsf ? ?.
by rewrite -openC preimage_setC; apply: ctsf; rewrite openC.
by rewrite -closedC preimage_setC; apply: ctsf; rewrite closedC.
by rewrite -openC preimage_setC; apply: ctsf; rewrite openC.
by rewrite -closedC preimage_setC; apply: ctsf; rewrite closedC.
Lemma closedU (T : topologicalType) (D E : set T) :
closed D -> closed E -> closed (D `|` E).
Lemma closed_bigsetU (T : topologicalType) (I : eqType) (s : seq I)
(F : I -> set T) : (forall x, x \in s -> closed (F x)) ->
closed (\big[setU/set0]_(x <- s) F x).
Lemma closed_bigcup (T : topologicalType) (I : choiceType) (A : set I)
(F : I -> set T) :
finite_set A -> (forall i, A i -> closed (F i)) ->
closed (\bigcup_(i in A) F i).
move=> finA cF; rewrite -bigsetU_fset_set//; apply: closed_bigsetU => i.
by rewrite in_fset_set// inE; exact: cF.
by rewrite in_fset_set// inE; exact: cF.
Section closure_lemmas.
Variable T : topologicalType.
Implicit Types E A B U : set T.
Lemma closure_subset A B : A `<=` B -> closure A `<=` closure B.
Lemma closureE A : closure A = smallest closed A.
rewrite eqEsubset; split=> [x ? B [cB AB]|]; first exact/cB/(closure_subset AB).
exact: (smallest_sub (@closed_closure _ _) (@subset_closure _ _)).
exact: (smallest_sub (@closed_closure _ _) (@subset_closure _ _)).
Lemma closure_id E : closed E <-> E = closure E.
split=> [?|->]; last exact: closed_closure.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => //; exact: subset_closure.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => //; exact: subset_closure.
End closure_lemmas.
Section regular_open_closed.
Variable T : topologicalType.
Definition regopen (A : set T) := (closure A)^° = A.
Definition regclosed (A : set T) := closure (A^°) = A.
End regular_open_closed.
Section closure_interior_lemmas.
Variable T : topologicalType.
Implicit Types (A B : set T).
Lemma interiorC A : (~` A)^° = ~` closure A.
rewrite eqEsubset; split=> x; rewrite /closure /interior nbhsE /= -existsNE.
case=> U ? /disjoints_subset UA; exists U; rewrite not_implyE.
split; first exact/open_nbhs_nbhs.
by rewrite setIC UA; apply/set0P; rewrite eqxx.
case=> X; rewrite not_implyE nbhsE=> -[] -[] U xU UX AX0.
exists U => //; apply/(subset_trans UX)/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC.
case=> U ? /disjoints_subset UA; exists U; rewrite not_implyE.
split; first exact/open_nbhs_nbhs.
by rewrite setIC UA; apply/set0P; rewrite eqxx.
case=> X; rewrite not_implyE nbhsE=> -[] -[] U xU UX AX0.
exists U => //; apply/(subset_trans UX)/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC.
Lemma closure_setC A : closure (~` A) = ~` A^°.
Lemma interior_id A : open A <-> interior A = A.
Lemma closureT : closure [set: T] = [set: T].
Lemma closure0 : closure (@set0 T) = set0.
Lemma interiorT : (@setT T)^° = setT.
Lemma interior0 : (@set0 T)^° = set0.
Lemma closureU A B : closure (A `|` B) = closure A `|` closure B.
Lemma interiorU A B : A^° `|` B^° `<=` (A `|` B)^°.
Lemma closureEbigcap A :
closure A = \bigcap_(x in [set C | closed C /\ A `<=` C]) x.
Lemma interiorEbigcup A :
A^° = \bigcup_(x in [set U | open U /\ U `<=` A]) x.
apply: setC_inj; rewrite -closure_setC closureEbigcap setC_bigcup.
rewrite -[RHS](bigcap_image _ setC idfun) /=.
apply: eq_bigcapl; split => X /=.
by rewrite -openC -setCS setCK; exists (~` X)=> //; rewrite setCK.
by case=> Y + <-; rewrite closedC setCS.
rewrite -[RHS](bigcap_image _ setC idfun) /=.
apply: eq_bigcapl; split => X /=.
by rewrite -openC -setCS setCK; exists (~` X)=> //; rewrite setCK.
by case=> Y + <-; rewrite closedC setCS.
Lemma interior_closed_regopen A : closed A -> regopen A^°.
move=> cA; rewrite /regopen eqEsubset; split=> x.
rewrite /closure [X in X -> _]/interior nbhsE => -[] U oxU UciA.
rewrite /interior nbhsE /=; exists U => //.
apply: (subset_trans UciA) => y /= yA.
apply: cA => B /yA; apply/subset_nonempty; apply: setSI.
exact: interior_subset.
rewrite {1}/interior nbhsE=> -[] U [] oU Ux UA.
rewrite {1}/interior nbhsE /=; exists U=> //.
have:= UA; rewrite open_subsetE// => /subset_trans; apply.
exact: subset_closure.
rewrite /closure [X in X -> _]/interior nbhsE => -[] U oxU UciA.
rewrite /interior nbhsE /=; exists U => //.
apply: (subset_trans UciA) => y /= yA.
apply: cA => B /yA; apply/subset_nonempty; apply: setSI.
exact: interior_subset.
rewrite {1}/interior nbhsE=> -[] U [] oU Ux UA.
rewrite {1}/interior nbhsE /=; exists U=> //.
have:= UA; rewrite open_subsetE// => /subset_trans; apply.
exact: subset_closure.
Lemma closure_open_regclosed A : open A -> regclosed (closure A).
rewrite /regclosed -(setCK A) openC => cCA.
rewrite closure_setC -[in RHS]interior_closed_regopen//.
by rewrite !(closure_setC, interiorC).
rewrite closure_setC -[in RHS]interior_closed_regopen//.
by rewrite !(closure_setC, interiorC).
Lemma interior_closure_idem : @idempotent_fun (set T) (interior \o closure).
Lemma closure_interior_idem : @idempotent_fun (set T) (closure \o interior).
End closure_interior_lemmas.
Lemma closureC_deprecated (T : topologicalType) (E : set T) :
~` closure E = \bigcup_(x in [set U | open U /\ U `<=` ~` E]) x.
Notation closureC := closureC_deprecated (only parsing).
Definition dense (T : topologicalType) (S : set T) :=
forall (O : set T), O !=set0 -> open O -> O `&` S !=set0.
Lemma denseNE (T : topologicalType) (S : set T) : ~ dense S ->
exists O, (exists x, open_nbhs x O) /\ (O `&` S = set0).
rewrite /dense /open_nbhs.
move=> /existsNP[X /not_implyP[[x Xx] /not_implyP[ Ox /forallNP A]]].
by exists X; split; [exists x | rewrite -subset0; apply/A].
move=> /existsNP[X /not_implyP[[x Xx] /not_implyP[ Ox /forallNP A]]].
by exists X; split; [exists x | rewrite -subset0; apply/A].
Section ClopenSets.
Implicit Type T : topologicalType.
Definition clopen {T} (A : set T) := open A /\ closed A.
Lemma clopenI {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen B -> clopen (A `&` B).
Lemma clopenU {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen B -> clopen (A `|` B).
Lemma clopenC {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen (~`A).
Lemma clopen0 {T} : @clopen T set0.
Lemma clopenT {T} : clopen [set: T].
Lemma clopen_comp {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) (A : set U) :
clopen A -> continuous f -> clopen (f @^-1` A).
End ClopenSets.
HB.mixin Record isContinuous {X Y : nbhsType} (f : X -> Y):= {
cts_fun : continuous f
#[short(type = "continuousType")]
HB.structure Definition Continuous {X Y : nbhsType} := {
f of @isContinuous X Y f
HB.instance Definition _ {X Y : topologicalType} :=
gen_eqMixin (continuousType X Y).
HB.instance Definition _ {X Y : topologicalType} :=
gen_choiceMixin (continuousType X Y).
Lemma continuousEP {X Y : nbhsType} (f g : continuousType X Y) :
f = g <-> f =1 g.
case: f g => [f [[ffun]]] [g [[gfun]]]/=; split=> [[->//]|/funext eqfg].
rewrite eqfg in ffun *; congr {| Continuous.sort := _; Continuous.class := {|
Continuous.topology_structure_isContinuous_mixin :=
{|isContinuous.cts_fun := _|}|}|}.
exact: Prop_irrelevance.
rewrite eqfg in ffun *; congr {| Continuous.sort := _; Continuous.class := {|
Continuous.topology_structure_isContinuous_mixin :=
{|isContinuous.cts_fun := _|}|}|}.
exact: Prop_irrelevance.
Definition mkcts {X Y : nbhsType} (f : X -> Y) (f_cts : continuous f) := f.
HB.instance Definition _ {X Y : nbhsType} (f: X -> Y) (f_cts : continuous f) :=
@isContinuous.Build X Y (mkcts f_cts) f_cts.
Section continuous_comp.
Context {X Y Z : topologicalType}.
Context (f : continuousType X Y) (g : continuousType Y Z).
Local Lemma cts_fun_comp : continuous (g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ := @isContinuous.Build X Z (g \o f) cts_fun_comp.
End continuous_comp.
Section continuous_id.
Context {X : topologicalType}.
Local Lemma cts_id : continuous (@idfun X).
by move=> ?. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isContinuous.Build X X (@idfun X) cts_id.
End continuous_id.
Section continuous_const.
Context {X Y : topologicalType} (y : Y).
Local Lemma cts_const : continuous (@cst X Y y).
HB.instance Definition _ := @isContinuous.Build X Y (cst y) cts_const.
End continuous_const.